Halloween Pumpkin Launch

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  • Description
    • Shoot the pumpkin with your cannon as far as possible. Earn money and unlock achievements, buy upgrades for your cannon and pumpkin and buy new skills.

2 Reviews to Halloween Pumpkin Launch

  1. m6wg4bxw on October 4th, 2011 3:10 am

    This feels like a rushed or half-assed project. Did anyone test this game? I’ve found problems.

    1) On each turn, the “1000ft reached” quickly scolls across the top of the screen… to fast to read. I did a PtrScrn to see what it was.

    2) Mouseover events aren’t working on the upgrade screen. I assume that’s where prices for upgrades can be found. I don’t know. I can’t see them. Tried in multiple browsers.

    3) Propulsion works to varying degrees, depending on the physics of the pumpkin when spacebar is pressed. Sometimes, little to no propulsion is gained.

    4) Clicking the pumpkin (for example, a wand click) immediately after initiating propulsion causes the pumpkin to appear at the cannon again. A click and release causes it to dribble out, though holding the mouse in this instance can be used to relaunch the pumpkin at a normal launch, with power gauge and all.

    5) Clicking the pumpkin immediately when it comes to rest causes the pumpkin to appear in the cannon again. Sometimes it launches behind the summary screen.

    6) Objects (bat, ghost, witch, etc) sometimes appear below ground level, which is stupid.

    7) The cannon can be aimed in any direction, including penetrating the ground, and opposite the intended direction. Backward shots result in negative money values, which are actually subtracted.

    8) This is preference, but I think I should have an option to mute / disable the repetitive music.

  2. SilverWolf on October 5th, 2011 1:24 am

    Not a bad game. But, the Mouse Over is not working. So you don’t know what the Power Ups do.
    There should be a price guide / power up guide / price chart.

Review Halloween Pumpkin Launch

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